Show Cigars is a premium cigar brand that boasts of excellent quality, remarkable flavor and impressive craftsmanship. We use only the finest tobacco leaves in our blends and our cigars are hand-rolled by highly experienced artisans to ensure a smooth, even burn with every puff. Our commitment to excellence has made us a favorite among cigar aficionados worldwide who appreciate the exquisite taste and distinctive aroma of Show Cigars. Whether you're new to the world of cigars or a seasoned smoker, Show Cigars have something special for everyone.
Show Cigars is a brand that has been around for over a century. The company was established in 1896 by Manuel Lopez Martinez in Ybor City, Florida. At the time, Ybor City was considered to be the cigar capital of the world - it had more than 200 factories!
Martinez was born in Cuba and learned how to make cigars while living there. When he moved to Florida in the late 1800s, he put his skills to work and opened up his own factory. He named it "Show Cigar Manufacturing Company" after one of his favorite horses.
The company quickly became known for producing high-quality cigars at affordable prices. In fact, they were so popular that they eventually employed more than 400 workers.
However, like many companies during this time period, Show Cigars faced some challenges throughout its history. One major obstacle came during Prohibition (1920-1933). Since alcohol sales were illegal at this time, many people turned to smoking as a form of entertainment instead. This led to an increase in demand for cigars and other tobacco products.
Unfortunately for Show Cigars, the government cracked down on tobacco companies during Prohibition due to concerns about public health risks - this put Show Cigars out of business temporarily.
Despite these setbacks, Show Cigars continued to thrive throughout much of the 20th century. In fact, they grew so successful that they actually acquired several other tobacco companies themselves.
Today, while no longer owned by Martinez's descendants or announced publicly since 1962 — as far as available data are concerned — we can still find them thriving under various new ownerships based on different locations worldwide such as Vienna VA USA serving with their quality hand-made specials maintaining their legacy since nearly two centuries ago!