Parodi Cigars is a renowned brand in the world of handmade cigars that has been producing top-quality Italian cigars for over 100 years. With its rich history and exceptional craftsmanship, Parodi Cigars offers a wide range of cigar blends to satisfy the discerning smoker's palate. Whether you're looking for full-bodied flavor or mild smoke, Parodi Cigars has what you need. So light up your favorite Parodi cigar and experience the ultimate smoking pleasure!
Parodi Cigars are one of the most popular brands in the cigar market; they have been around for over a century and have a rich history that spans several generations. The brand is well known for its unique, affordable offerings.
The story of Parodi Cigars begins with three brothers- John, Frank, and Tom Parodi. They immigrated to America in the late nineteenth century and settled in New York City. It wasn't long before they opened up their cigar factory because they had learned how to make Italian-style cigars back home in Turin.
The company was initially named F. Parodi & Co., but it later became known as Avanti Cigar Company, which still owns Parodi today. The company has gone through various changes over the years, including ownership changes during prohibition and World War II.
During those tough times, Parodi Cigars proved incredibly popular due to their lower cost compared to other premium cigars on the market at that time resulting from modifications made by the manufacturers of these cigars during these periods.
Throughout its storied history, the brand has remained steadfastly committed to quality at an excellent price point while introducing products across various markets and adapting its manufacturing processes to meet changing consumer demands.
Today, smokers can choose from many varieties of Parodi Cigars - cherry wood tips original blends or even flavored ones like Amaretto - all offering exceptional value backed by over 130 years of experience in tobacco innovation.
In conclusion
Parodi cigars are a testament to good old-fashioned hard work paired with an undying passion for crafting high-quality smokes available at budget-friendly prices. From humble beginnings rooted in Italian tradition finding their appeal among blue-collar workers residing within American cities pre-1900, this is where it all started—a true rags-to-riches journey now enjoyed by millions worldwide who appreciate an affordable yet satisfying smoke.