
King Edward Cigars

King Edward Cigars have been one of the top-selling cigar brands in the world since their introduction in America in 1894. Known for their smooth taste and rich aroma, these cigars are perfect for those who demand a high-quality smoke without breaking the bank. Whether you prefer a classic flavor or something new and exciting, King Edward Cigars has something to suit your tastes. With their long-standing reputation for excellence, it's no wonder why they continue to be a go-to choice for cigar enthusiasts everywhere.

History of King Edward Cigars

King Edward cigars are one of the most famous and well-known cigar brands in history. These hand-made cigars have been around for over 100 years and are still enjoyed by smokers all over the world today. In this blog post, we will take a look at the interesting history of King Edward cigars.

The story of King Edward Cigars dates back to the late 1800s when tobacco entrepreneur Edgar M. Cullman Sr. founded a small cigar business in New York City. The company started as just a few rolling tables and some tobacco leaves rolled into cigars by immigrants from Cuba, Puerto Rico, and other countries that were brought together by Cullman.

In 1896, the company started producing its namesake brand of cigars - King edward-- which quickly gained popularity among smokers who appreciated their rich flavor profiles paired with delicate aromas.

As time passed, King Edward became even more successful due to their high-quality products made from topnotch ingredients such as Virginia tobacco sourced from Brazil, Cuba’s finest varieties carefully curated using proven methodologies with modern technology used subsequently for processing.

During World War I and II, demand for King Edward cigars skyrocketed as they were a popular choice among soldiers on both sides of the conflict. This led to an increase in production facilities throughout Europe and South America while expanding partnerships with boutique suppliers these days known best for our elite-grade offerings combined with Certified quality assurance program under PCCS (Homegrown Standards).

By the late 1950s, however, health concerns about smoking led to strong anti-smoking campaigns worldwide so changes in Government policy shifted towards eliminating cigarette & cigar industry too but yet through public awareness pro measures it was survived without affecting businesses because men changed preferences soon after W.War-2 ended hence almost null effects observed since then till now

Despite these challenges that arose along the way; evidenced by current financial growth which constantly reports growth had set out new benchmarks since establishment remains concentrated upon assembling only highest grade products while utilizing environmentally conscious approaches considering phasing out certain chemicals during forging process entirely within next few years due to enterprising reforms at every level which aims consistently upgrading standards not only domestically but internationally too through ISO certifications obtained alongside Export Certificates(2019) given after adhering closely guidelines maintained group affiliates Partner firms where applicable make them stand ahead competition within marketplace characterized consistent delivery high-value offerings satisfying quality standards besides catering tasting desires clientele perfectly consequently attaining enduring patronage over past many decades remarked loyal client base already established ongoing expansion efforts ensure increasing foothold ensuring sustainability long-term growth aspirations bearing fruits sooner later altogether.