
Hav-A-Tampa Cigars

Hav-A-Tampa cigars are one of the most popular brands of cigars available in the market. Known for their unique flavor and aroma, these cigars are manufactured using high-quality tobacco leaves that are carefully fermented to produce a rich taste. Hav-A-Tampa cigars have been enjoyed by smokers all around the world since 1902, making them one of the oldest and most trusted cigar brands in existence today. Whether you're a seasoned smoker or just starting out on your cigar journey, Hav-A-Tampa is sure to satisfy your craving for an excellent smoke.

History of Hav-A-Tampa Cigars

Hav-A-Tampa cigars is a brand of machine-made cigars that has been in production since 1902. The company was started by the Ybor City cigar pioneer, Vicente Martinez-Ybor.

Ybor City, located in Tampa, Florida, was at one time known as the cigar capital of the world. It was a hub for Cuban immigrants who had left their homeland to escape political strife and build new lives. They brought with them their love of tobacco and a skillful hand for rolling cigars.

Martinez-Ybor recognized the potential of this industry and began opening factories and employing local workers. As his businesses grew, he began producing different blends of cigars to meet various tastes and preferences.

One such innovation was Hav-A-Tampa Cigars, which were designed for those who liked a quick smoke or wanted to enjoy smoking without committing to an entire premium cigar. These smaller-sized cigars quickly became popular among blue-collar workers who didn't have the time or money for long luxurious smoking breaks.

By the 1950s, Hav-A-Tampa had become one of America's best-selling brands of machine-made cigars making them widely available across the country. This popularity could be attributed in part to innovative marketing techniques such as sponsoring radio shows like "Amos n’ Andy" which often advertised tobacco products during commercial breaks (a practice now banned).

Throughout its history, Hav-A-Tampa remained committed to quality while keeping prices affordable for everyone. In 2009 however Production ceased when Swedish Match shuttered its Tampa facilities.

It remains one of America’s most historic cigar companies which aided Tampa city’s economy with millions in jobs creation even after it ceased operations as local museums still offer tours on its history preserving its legacy influencing decades-long memories ranging from amongst others: iconic TV shows “All In The Family” & “The Sopranos” whose characters’ penchant for smoking Hav-a-Tampa further endears fond recollection into America’s pop culture iconography .