
Frontier Cigars

Frontier Cigars is a premium cigar brand that prides itself on offering an exceptional smoking experience. Our cigars are expertly crafted using the finest tobaccos from around the world, providing smokers with a bold and smooth taste that is unmatched in the industry. Whether you are a seasoned smoker or new to cigars, Frontier Cigars has something for everyone. We invite you to explore our collection and discover why we are one of the most trusted names in premium cigars.

History of Frontier Cigars

Frontier cigars have been a staple in the tobacco industry for over 100 years, garnering a vast following among cigar enthusiasts worldwide. The storied brand has managed to stand the test of time by producing some of the top-selling cigar lines while preserving its rich history.

The original Frontier brand was created during the late 1800s by Barber & Sons Tobacconists of Boston. Frontier cigars were then named after Western expansion territories and quickly gained popularity across America's rough frontiers throughout the late 19th century.

The company initially marketed their flagship product as mild but robust smokes with piquant flavors that seasoned smokers found appealing. The early success laid significant groundwork for Frontier Cigars as they propelled into mass production just before World War One started.

The Great Depression shook every household in America and forced many companies out of business; however, Frontier continued making authentic cigars regardless of economic hardship – proving almost too tough for any difficulty – hence their reputation today!

Once known solely as premium quality smoking products made from tobacco and available at local tobacconists' shops around America's frontier towns, people began associating them with rugged individuals operating within fast-growing cities like Los Angeles and Chicago during the roaring '20s.

Following Post-World War II prosperity led to widespread availability and acceptance of luxury goods such as fine wine and gourmet coffee blends bolstered interest in equally elite cigs offerings - this newfound attention ideal for those who cherished boldness married with finesse sealed another remarkable spell casting enchantment for Frontier Cigars' loyal buffs

Aside from expanding their lineups (products), Frontier Cigars thrived by refining crucial aspects such as manufacturing processes innovation all aimed at delivering unmatched customer satisfaction continually leading development - traits still integral tenets defining this legendary label's ethos

After passing through various hands over recent decades due to buyouts etc., it remains quite evident that despite changing times' modernity advancements; Frontiers legacy shall endure much longer than we could imagine! Its firm hold on offering creative branding marketing strategies while keeping tabs on continuous trends bodes well for future competitiveness against upcoming rivals without harming its loyal fan base amassed over the years