Entourage Cigars is a luxury cigar brand that is well-known for their exceptional quality, impeccable taste, and innovatively crafted blends. These cigars are the epitome of class and sophistication, designed to satisfy even the most discerning smoker's palate. Each Entourage Cigar is meticulously handcrafted with premium tobacco leaves picked from select regions worldwide. The result is an unforgettable smoking experience that elevates any moment into a luxurious one. Whether you are a seasoned cigar enthusiast or just discovering the pleasures of cigar smoking, Entourage Cigars will not disappoint.
Entourage Cigars is a brand that has been around for many years, and its history is deeply rooted in the cigar culture of the Dominican Republic. The company was founded by Manuel Quesada Jr. in 1974, who had a deep passion for cigars and the art of blending tobacco.
Manuel Quesada's love for cigars began at a young age when his father would bring home Cuban cigars from his travels abroad. He spent many years studying the art of tobacco blending before finally launching Entourage Cigars.
The company quickly gained popularity among cigar enthusiasts, thanks to its high-quality products that were produced using traditional methods. The cigars were hand-rolled using aged Dominican tobaccos, which gave them a unique flavor profile that set them apart from other brands.
Over the years, Entourage Cigars continued to grow and expand its product line-up. In the early 1990s, they introduced their flagship line known as Casa Magna. These premium quality cigars were made using only the finest tobacco leaves and showcased an exceptional level of craftsmanship.
Casa Magna received critical acclaim and won several awards including; Cigar Aficionado's "Cigar of The Year" award in 2008. This recognition helped propel Entourage Cigars into becoming one of the most respected names in the industry.
Today, Entourage Cigars continues to innovate and produce some of the world's best premium handmade cigars. Their commitment to quality has never wavered over time, and they remain dedicated to providing consumers with an unparalleled smoking experience.
In conclusion, Entourage Cigars have come a long way since their humble beginnings back in 1974. They have consistently produced high-quality cigars throughout their history while remaining true to their core values; tradition, innovation, excellence, craftsmanship - all this makes them stand out among other brands on today’s market!