
Dutch Masters Cigars

Dutch Masters Cigars is a premium cigar brand that has been delivering exceptional quality and flavor for over a century. With roots dating back to the Netherlands in the 1800s, Dutch Masters is renowned for their smooth taste and expert craftsmanship. From classic blends to innovative limited editions, each cigar is crafted with care using only the finest tobaccos from around the world. Whether you’re an avid smoker or just starting out, Dutch Masters cigars offer a luxurious smoking experience that simply can’t be matched.

History of Dutch Masters Cigars

Dutch Masters cigars are a well-known brand of premium cigars that have been enjoyed by cigar enthusiasts for over a century. The history of this famed cigar brand dates back to the mid-19th century when a group of Dutch immigrants moved from Amsterdam to New York City in search of new opportunities.

In 1911, the company was officially founded as Augusta Cigar Company, but it wasn't until 1912 that their flagship product, the Dutch Masters cigar, was introduced. The first Dutch Masters cigars were hand-rolled in the Dominican Republic and quickly gained popularity among smokers due to their quality and affordability.

Throughout the early 20th century, Dutch Masters cigars continued to thrive, becoming one of the most beloved brands in America. During World War II, they even provided free cigars to American troops serving overseas.

In the 1960s and '70s, Dutch Masters expanded their range of flavors and sizes with popular offerings like Honey Sport, Chocolate Palmas and Corona De Luxe. Their unique blend of tobacco featuring Cuban seed filler combined with natural wrapper created a distinctive taste that instantly won over many aficionados.

Today, despite changes within the industry including stricter regulations on advertising and an overall decline in smoking habits across America usage is still very prevalent globally for events or special occasions where there is some sort if celebration underway as people enjoying celebrations prefer to light up with tradition

As we approach its centennial anniversary year (2012) several things come clear about how keeping true to heritage can lead success amid fickle marketing environments: providing consistency while standing by artisanal craftsmanship techniques will always win against online gimmicks or flash trends whenever consumers need something concrete in uncertain times.

While undoubtedly enduring over many decades seemingly unscathed it’s no mean feat considering rigorous health & safety standards upheld today's yet relatively consistent flavor combined perfectly round out performances as "an easy smoke" making them suitable beginners or seasoned veterans alike - remaining supreme leaders despite ever-present challenges faced long-standing institutions worldwide.