
Clipper Cigars

Clipper Cigars are the perfect choice for cigar aficionados who seek exceptional quality, flavor, and craftsmanship. Handcrafted using the finest tobacco leaves from around the world, our cigars offer a rich and complex blend of flavors that take your smoke to new heights. Whether you're enjoying a relaxing evening at home or hanging out with friends, Clipper Cigars are the ideal companion for any occasion. So indulge in a little luxury and experience some of the best cigars around!

History of Clipper Cigars

Clipper Cigars are a well-known brand of machine-made cigars that have been in existence for over a century. Produced by National Cigar Company, which was founded in 1898, Clipper Cigars have gone through significant changes and transformations throughout their long history.

The origins of the name "Clipper" can be traced back to the clipper ships of the mid-19th century, which were known for their speed and efficiency. The founders of National Cigar Company chose this name for their brand because they wanted it to represent quality and fast production.

In the early years of their production, Clipper Cigars were considered a low-cost alternative to premium hand-rolled cigars. They quickly gained popularity among cigar smokers who enjoyed their mild flavor profile and affordability. During World War II, Clipper Cigars became even more popular due to the scarcity of hand-rolled cigars.

Throughout the 20th century, National Cigar Company modernized its manufacturing process, introducing new machinery that allowed them to produce even more cigars at an increased pace. By the 1950s and '60s, Clipper Cigars had become one of the most widely distributed machine-made cigar brands in America.

However, as demand for premium hand-rolled cigars continued to grow throughout the '80s and '90s, sales of machine-made cigars like Clipper began to decline. The company responded by launching several new products under the Clipper brand umbrella that appealed to different tastes and budgets.

Today, Clipper offers a broad range of machine-made cigar products in various sizes with flavors ranging from mild vanilla-infused blends to bolder tobacco-forward varieties. Despite challenges faced by traditional cigarette makers concerned about declining smoking rates leading up into what we now recognize as vapor markets--machine made cigar producers like clipper continue on catering primarily towards those enjoying classic-styled all tobacco blends. Overall , it's clear that Clipper has managed not only stay relevant throughout its many years but has evolved enough meet changing demands while still producing fine offerings beloved by long-time customers & attracting curious newcomers even still after so much time has passed since clipping teasers & trimmings from bales first began as an inexpensive method making smokes people might enjoy when extravagant rolled ones weren't always easy find!