Bluntville Cigars is a premium tobacco brand created to offer top-notch smoking experience to every cigar enthusiast. Hand-rolled with high-quality leaves, our cigars come in a variety of flavors and sizes that cater to the different preferences of smokers. Whether you're looking for bold and robust flavors or something milder, we have got it all covered. With our commitment to quality, we strive to provide the best cigar products available in today's market to satisfy your cravings for great-tasting smokes. Come and discover what Bluntville Cigars can offer you, and elevate your smoking experience to new heights!
Bluntville cigars are known for their high quality and unique character. They have a rich history, having been around since the early 1900s.
The story of Bluntville cigars began with a man named David Nathan. In 1901, he opened his own tobacco shop in New York City, where he sold a variety of tobacco products to locals. One day, Nathan was looking at the leaves from his cigar wrappers when he came up with an idea – why not make BIGGER cigars?
So, Nathan began creating oversized cigars by rolling together several smaller ones into one long cigar. He called them "blunts," after their shape and thickness.
At first, sales were slow. But before long, word spread about these unique new cigars that provided a longer-lasting smoking experience than traditionally rolled cigarettes or cigars.
Over time, Blaze Tobacco Inc (now Good Times USA) acquired Bluntville Cigars and has continued to produce them ever since.
Today's Bluntville collection includes everything from classics like Double Platinum and Regular to more modern offerings like Blueberry Infused and White Grape Infused - all in easy-to-smoke formats that aficionados adore!
In addition to being synonymous with luxury smoking experiences throughout the decades, Bluntville Cigars also boasts a loyal fanbase who swear by its flavors & smoke satisfaction levels for stoners everywhere!