
Backwoods Cigars

Backwoods cigars are a popular brand of machine-made cigars that provide smokers with a smooth, mild taste and aroma. Made from 100% all-natural tobacco and dressed in rustic-looking Connecticut Broadleaf wrappers, these cigars are perfect for outdoor enthusiasts who prefer to enjoy their smoking experience while surrounded by the beauty of nature. Whether you're hiking through the woods or relaxing on your back porch, Backwoods cigars offer an enjoyable smoke that's sure to satisfy.

History of Backwoods Cigars

Backwoods Cigars have been a popular brand of cigars for decades. They are known for their unique shape and aroma, as well as their smooth smoking experience. These cigars were first introduced in the United States in 1973 by the famous Russian cigarette firm, EUROtabak.

The name “Backwoods” is derived from the rural areas of America’s southern states where smoking tobacco was common, especially among farmers and ranchers who preferred robust flavors over more delicate ones. However, it is important to note that Backwoods Cigars are machine-made from natural wrappers and filler tobaccos.

As for their design, they feature a tapered mouthpiece made of dark brown cigar leaf which adds an extra dimension to its character. The iconic leaf wrapper has a light brown color with visible veins making them more attractive visually.

It's noteworthy to mention that despite the brand's history dating back nearly half a century ago and despite being owned by Altadis USA (a subsidiary of British American Tobacco), Backwoods cigars still maintain their humble beginnings by catering largely to those seeking an economic cigar option.

The original Backwoods Cigar design was created to look like small wooden logs or twigs that can be easily stuffed into pockets without drawing too much attention. Today, these cigars have become popular among both men and women alike thanks to its products being marketed as one fit for individuals who lead an outdoor lifestyle - like hiking or hunting - but this does not mean it cannot be enjoyed independently!

In conclusion: Backwoods Cigars have remained popular throughout its history due to its unique features and affordable pricing; making it both accessible and appealing even after all these years since being introduced in 1973. Its flavor remains distinctive due to the use of prime citrusy tobacco blend along with its peculiar shape complementing various outdoor activities or just individual relaxation time!