
BodyShot Little Cigars

BodyShot Little Cigars are a premium-quality brand of cigars, perfect for any occasion. These little smokes are made with the finest blend of tobacco, offering a smooth and satisfying smoking experience. They are available in different flavors, including classic, menthol, sweet and wine, giving smokers an endless variety to choose from. Whether you're looking for a quick smoke during your break or want to kick back and enjoy a leisurely puff at home or outside, BodyShot Little Cigars is an excellent option that suits all types of smokers' preferences. Try BodyShot Little Cigars today and discover why they are quickly becoming one of the most popular cigar brands on the market!

History of BodyShot Little Cigars

BodyShot Little Cigars have been a popular choice of many smoking enthusiasts around the world. These little cigars are known for their unique blend of rich and flavorful tobacco that is carefully wrapped in a delicate, silky smooth wrapper to provide you with the perfect smoking experience.

However, not many people know about the interesting history behind BodyShot Little Cigars. So, without any further ado, let's take a closer look at the history of BodyShot Little Cigars:

The Origin

The origin story of BodyShot Little Cigars can be traced back to early 2000 when they were first introduced to the market by National Tobacco Company (NTC) – a leading cigar manufacturer in America.

At first, these cigars were only available in five different flavors: Sweet, Vanilla, Grape, Cherry, and Menthol. But it wasn't long before they became increasingly popular among smokers due to their delectable taste and affordability.

In fact, according to NTC's website – Body Shot Little Cigar Ads from 2015 stated ‘BodyShot is one of our most sought after brands’ – indicating how widely accepted these small cigars have been over time.

The Evolution

With time and growing demand for new flavors coupled with changing consumer preferences across cultures around the world - National Tobacco Company has continued to innovate on this winning line-up. The range now incorporates expanded choices like Mild Blueberry/Raspberry or Mango Tango offering richly enhanced fruity experience while Honey has made its entry as an invigorating variant lately.

Today's younger generation values convenience above all else - no surprise then that these pleasing short smokes continue appealing even today; notable positives include lower exposure compared to regular-sized ones and being much easier on your wallets!

Why Choose Bodyshot?

Bodyshot has become synonymous with quality due to its unique mix of natural tobacco flavors combined with a velvet-smooth wrapper that offers satisfying puffs at every draw.

The production process involves picking premium-quality tobacco leaves from some of the top-rated sources worldwide- ensuring consistency while maintaining optimal aroma maturity levels throughout processing phases along assembly & packaging lines prior hitting shelves near you! Dating back over twenty years since inception showed us proof enough there must be something special about them!


In conclusion.BodyShot Little Cigars undoubtedly have an exciting history worth exploring by all those who enjoy their fine taste alongside sipping your favorite coffee beverages or Scotch/Martini shots occasionally or regularly. The evolving brand means more options offering choosy cigar aficionados variety without having ever looked further than what they need/want under one roof anytime soon! So if you're looking for premium quality small cigars that deliver exceptional flavor at an affordable price point – choose BodyShot Little Cigars – you won't regret it! They've already proven themselves over time quite extensively enough than others could fathom anytime soon..