Little Cigars
Little cigars are the perfect indulgence for those who love the rich and smooth taste of traditional cigars, but want a quicker and more convenient smoking experience. Made with high-quality tobacco and wrapped in a natural leaf, these little cigars deliver a satisfying and full-bodied flavor. Whether you're enjoying a relaxing evening at home or hanging out with friends, little cigars are the perfect choice for a quick and enjoyable smoke. Try them today and experience the best of both worlds.
History of Little Cigars
Little cigars have been a popular smoking product for over a century now. These small-sized cigars, also known as “Cigarillos” were initially made in 1920 by William S. Middleton with his Middleton's Cherry Blend brand taking the cigar industry by storm in those times.
What started out as a smoke break from work has now turned into an alternative to cigarettes. Little Cigars have indeed come a long way since they were first manufactured.
The reason why little cigars became so widely accepted was their affordable price and tasty flavors that kept smokers wanting more. The flavored tobacco used in little cigars made them even easier for people transitioning from cigarette habits due to them being less harsh and smoother on the throat.
In the late 90s when state tax increases caused skyrocketing prices of traditional cigarettes, many smokers had no choice but to switch to these miniature smokes making it one of the most popular smoked products globally today.
There are two types of little cigars: traditional and filtered ones. Traditional little cigars are similar to cigarettes; they're brown, rolled with tobacco filler inside paper-and-tobacco wrappers while filtered ones use filter tips like conventional cigarettes which eliminates some tar or other impurities produced during combustion making it somewhat healthier than regular cigs if consumed responsibly.
While there are concerns about increased health risks associated with little cigar consumption compared to normal cigarette consumption because wet tobacco produces more toxins, some research indicates that smoking one large cigar is equalized by around ten little cigars roughly speaking regarding health hazards involved
In conclusion, the history of Little Cigars dates back nearly a century ago when William S.Middletone created his cherry blend flavors at far cheaper prices than traditional cigar prices ever since rising in popularity among people who enjoyed smoking but didn't need to spend exorbitantly on expensive choices available before this creation came into existence consequently becoming everyone's best stick companion given its affordability and convenience factors plus flavorful varieties suited accordingly individual preferences rather than choosing between just standard non-flavored options offered within high-end cigar establishments only 'cause let’s admit we all love variety!