
Punch Cigars

Punch Cigars is a brand that has been in existence for over 180 years. It is known for producing high-quality cigars with unique blends and flavors that appeal to all types of cigar enthusiasts. The company has a rich history and has maintained its reputation as one of the leading names in the cigar industry. Whether you are new to smoking cigars or an experienced aficionado, Punch Cigars offers something for everyone.

History of Punch Cigars

Punch Cigars is a well-known brand among cigar enthusiasts worldwide. It is a premium brand that has been around since 1840 and continues to be popular even today. The origins of Punch Cigars go back to its founder Don Manuel Lopez, who was a talented cigar blender from Cuba.

During the mid-19th century, smoking cigars had gained immense popularity in Spain and other European countries because it was considered fashionable among aristocrats and society’s elites. Eventually, this trend made its way around the same period to England where two prominent Tobacconists’ shops were opened in London – namely Robert Lewis & Co.,on St James Street along with Samuel Gawith & Co on Snuff Mill Lane – both still trade there today.

Around this time Manuel Lopez began blending unique cigars at his factory located near Havana which he named La Escepción (meaning ‘the exception') because they were exceptionally good compared to others at that time. However these superb smokes hadn't found a home yet into any specific band name or personality stamp until Sir John Punch, a scholar disguised as a clown decided they would make excellent Christmas gifts for his patrons!

Sir John recognized their fantastic blend and set up an exclusive commission deal so these Cuban made cigars could only be sold at his store under exclusivity rights thus awakening them into what we know today as Punch Cigars - Named after him due largely in part to those impressive marketing abilities. As their reputation grew through word of mouth from satisfied customers seeking consistency in taste every year new production cycles brought huge requests requiring more storage than ever before; resulting in La Escepcion becoming one of Cuba's largest cigar factories

During World War II however when trading was subject to restrictions much damage had already occurred prior after years of revolutionary tension against authoritarian rule causing these treasured fine handcrafted cigars originating exclusively from Cuba lost market access leading many aficionados resorting smuggled counterfeits elsewhere whilst waiting on embargo bars being lifted decades past 1945

Those interested in reselling or distributing tobacco products needed access through various channels via specialty importers . Today this iconic brand operates under ownership by General Cigar Company who have newly released an expanded line-up within their label however not all use Cuban tobacco anymore

In summary, Punch cigars are not just another premium cigar brand haphazardly thrown together by marketers looking for quick profits... They came about through creative improvements by legendary craftsmen innovatively blending sought after tobaccos into genuinely high-quality homemade smokes intended initially solely for civilizing elite circles across Europe during times over two centuries ago but now they can be enjoyed globally thankfully available without needing permission slips!