Perdomo Cigars is a premium cigar brand that has been producing some of the world's finest cigars for over two decades. Based in Nicaragua, Perdomo Cigars uses only the highest quality tobacco, expertly blended to bring out the rich and complex flavors that have made them a favorite among cigar lovers worldwide. With a range of lines to suit every taste and budget, Perdomo Cigars is committed to crafting top-notch cigars that offer exceptional value for money. Whether you're an experienced smoker or just starting out, you're sure to find a Perdomo cigar that will satisfy your palate and leave you wanting more.
Perdomo Cigars is a family-owned and operated cigar company that has been producing premium cigars for over 20 years. Its founder, Nick Perdomo Jr., was born and raised in Little Havana in Miami, Florida, where he fell in love with the art of cigar making at a young age.
In the early 1990s, Nick Perdomo Jr. started to experiment with blends and tobaccos to create his own unique cigars. His first small batch of handmade cigars sold out quickly, prompting him to launch his own brand, Perdomo Cigars.
Since then, Perdomo Cigars has become one of the most well-respected cigar brands in the world. It currently operates three factories – two in Nicaragua and one in Honduras – where it produces a wide range of premium cigar lines using high-quality tobaccos from Nicaragua's top tobacco-growing regions.
One of Perdomo Cigar's most popular lines is its 20th Anniversary line which includes several different blends like Connecticut Sun Grown and Maduro wraps. The blend features Nicaraguan filler tobaccos grown on farms owned by the company itself. The wrapper leaves are hand-selected from top-rated crops grown on various farms throughout Esteli.
Another iconic line is The Habano Bourbon Barrel-Aged Edition Line which tells us that they use bourbon barrels during their fermentation process which creates an exceptional medium-bodied smoke full of delicious flavors like vanilla and caramel hints along with subtle hints of honey and oak flavors.
Perdomo's also has classic blends like Champagne Noir (Maduro), Lot 23 Natural or Maduro wrappers highlighting incredible notes perfect for every palate preference desiring to explore new depths within rich flavor profiles.
In conclusion,
The story behind Perdomo Cigars lives up to this thrilling tale as well; selling the first ever box of cigars Nicolly Mary Rose when Nick was only six-years-old at Hialeah Racetrack with her help illustrating gory details on each label cover design for added allure.
It couldn't have happened without all those tasting tests thrown by Pepin Sr who had migrated from cuba focusing stalling techniques & bramble patch choices needed for successful tobacco farming efforts amplified because were conducted right nearby amidst countless innovations ranging from vintage tools used pacing evenly throughout vast fields supporting generations past future ones alike building off momentum this industry staple created long before its inception into todays modern world everyone enjoys savoring clouds wisping around nostrils mesmerized by deep aromas haunting them once intertwined beautifully rolled within last batch produced still garnering immense respect globally if not already familiar be sure try out these noteworthy smokes today!