
La Gloria Cubana Cigars

La Gloria Cubana Cigars has been one of the most sought-after cigar brands since its inception in 1885. With a rich history and expertise in crafting premium cigars, La Gloria Cubana has become one of the top choices amongst aficionados worldwide. The brand's passion for perfection is reflected in every cigar it produces, ensuring that each smoke delivers a unique experience. From their exceptional craftsmanship to unparalleled blends, La Gloria Cubana continues to set new standards within the industry.

History of La Gloria Cubana Cigars

La Gloria Cubana is a premium cigar brand that has earned a reputation for excellence since its inception. The story of La Gloria Cubana begins in the late 19th century, when it was established in Cuba by Spanish expatriate, Don Aerolardo Gonzalez.

Gonzalez had come to Havana with nothing but his love of cigars and a desire to make a name for himself in the industry. He quickly became known for his innovative blending techniques and expertise in tobacco cultivation, which helped him produce some of the most sought-after cigars in Cuba.

In 1905, Gonzalez moved La Gloria Cubana to centre-town Havana and built a new factory that would go on to become an iconic landmark. Over time, the brand continued to gain accolades beyond Cuban shores; however, when Fidel Castro came into power and nationalised Cuba's entire cigar industry in 1959, La Gloria Cubana was forced to close its doors.

It took until 1978 before the brand was revived under General Cigar Company ownership as part of their strategy for targeting markets outside of North America during this era cig atar smoking was increasing world wide . Rolled exclusively at El Credito factory within Santiago de los Caballeros Dominican Republic. In order to remain tied with tradition from its Cuban days they are considered stronger than other non-Cuban counterparts.

The current generation can take pride knowing we have cultivated La Gloria once again by such reviving efforts into what it is today: one of the most highly revered premium brands worldwide.

Today, La Gloria Cubana remains one among those premium products extending across countries territories far beyond countries where it all began - an immortal testament to craftsmanship passed down through generations with passion and sheer dedication always defined by exquisite quality profiles that meet discerning customers needs.