
La Finca Cigars

La Finca Cigars is a renowned brand that produces premium quality cigars made from the finest tobacco leaves. With a rich history dating back to the 1800s, La Finca Cigars has been providing cigar enthusiasts with unforgettable experiences and luxurious flavors. Their commitment to handcrafting high-quality cigars has earned them a deserved reputation as one of the best cigar manufacturers in the world. From beginners to seasoned smokers, their wide range of choices caters to every taste preference, making them an ideal choice for any occasion or smoker.

History of La Finca Cigars

La Finca cigars have been the go-to choice for cigar aficionados around the globe. They are known for their exceptional quality, taste, and long burning time. But do you know the history behind La Finca cigars?

The story of La Finca cigars began in 1972 when a Cuban cigar maker named Angel Oliva Jr. decided to move to Nicaragua to start his own tobacco plantation with his family. His father had been producing fine cigars in Cuba, but after Fidel Castro's revolution, he and his family were forced to flee from Cuba leaving everything behind including their business.

Angel quickly learned everything about tobacco farming, cultivating plants and curing leaves in his new home country.

After years of hard work and dedication towards his passion for creating unique smokes that would mimic the flavors they loved back in their homeland of Cuba - it wasn't until 1980s when Angel conceived the idea for La Finca Cigars

Using financial support from local Nicaraguan business people and investors, Angel began perfecting blends that quickly earned popularity among clients all over Nicaragua.

In 1993 La Finca became part of strategic alliance with one of America’s biggest cigar importers – Miami-based Villazon & Co which helped reach broader audiences throughout USA.

Throughout the ‘90s a series of excellent ratings boosted brand recognition. Since then, La Finca has become synonymous with exceptional craftsmanship - delivering rich mellow notes elevated by balanced spiciness that finishes smoothly like honeyed caramel.

Despite going through difficult times during embargo era– today millions around the world can enjoy these amazing smokes - without needing to search high-and-low (or wait) thanks to online stores' global distribution ability trusted worldwide by consumers looking outknew where find these premium handrolled beauties secured an order awaits upon delivery as well as personalized customer service exceeding everyday expectations. Today La fincas are enjoyed illegally or imported legally with all aspects handled ethically using legal customs channels only since prohibition on items linked Cuba remains enforced here within U.S territories yet demand keeps flourishing year after year - proving excellence still does reign supreme!

Overall considering its various milestones such as building its foundations from scratch and overcoming barriers like transition difficulties due political changes at home- shows how determination combined with skillful knowledge ultimately leads toward success despite numerous setbacks experienced along way providing opportunities worthy applause greater appreciation sincere gratitude lavished upon those individuals who rise up beyond what others believe possible just so everyone regardless ethnicity or class background can continue feeling connected tradition artistry having encounter that today extends globally giving smoking pleasure making memories let's share noble flavor savorious journey together!