
Java Cigars

Java Cigars is a premium brand that offers a unique and intricate blend of the finest Java tobacco, resulting in an exceptional smoking experience. Enthusiasts worldwide rave about the unrivaled quality and smoothness of Java cigars, which have quickly become a popular choice for those looking to indulge in rich and complex flavors. With its distinct aroma and passionate following, Java cigars are a must-have for any aficionado seeking top-notch cigars.

History of Java Cigars

Java cigars are one of the most famous cigar brands in the world, and their story is an interesting one. The history of Java cigars began in 1898 when Jacobus Wilhelmus van der Meer opened his cigar factory, named "N.V. Handelsmaatschappij Hollandia" on the island of Sumatra.

Van der Meer wanted to create a special cigar that would incorporate the tobacco that grew on his beloved island, and he succeeded by making use of three different types: Besuki, Klaten and Vorstenlanden. These three tobaccos had unique properties that together made for a distinctively flavored smoke.

In 1918, Van Der Meer's daughter bought out her siblings' shares in the company and continued to make successful sales until World War II. During this period, there was a shortage of tobacco supplies as most were used for war efforts. In spite of this setback, production resumed after the war with renewed vigor.

The company changed hands once again with a group from Holland purchasing it in 1969. They expanded production but maintained their focus on the unique flavor profile created by Van Der Meer years ago. They also implemented new processes such as sun-grown leaves which allowed for more complexity within each cigar.

In 2002, Davidoff Cigars acquired Java cigars under its Camacho line and introduced packaging refreshes to better align the brand within its portfolio. Today you can find these cigars all over the world; they remain loved by aficionados for their strong yet nuanced profiles often associated with Indonesian blends.

In conclusion, Java cigars have been around since 1898 and have gone through several changes in ownership over time. Still producing today, they are particularly cherished due to their distinct taste profile derived from the rare tobaccos grown on Sumatra Island - something not found anywhere else in Indonesia or indeed among many other brands at large!