
Hoyo De Monterrey Cigars

Hoyo de Monterrey is a premium cigar brand known for their exceptional quality and rich history in the tobacco industry. Originating from Cuba, these cigars are now crafted in Honduras with carefully chosen tobacco leaves for a distinctive taste and aroma. With a range of blends and sizes to choose from, Hoyo de Monterrey cigars have continued to impress the aficionados with their consistently smooth draw, earthy tones, and complex flavor profile. Whether you're a seasoned collector or trying out your first cigar, Hoyo de Monterrey offers an unforgettable smoking experience that's sure to satisfy any palate.

History of Hoyo de Monterrey Cigars

Hoyo de Monterrey is one of the most prominent cigar brands in the world, known for its bold and flavorful blend. The brand has a rich history that dates back to the 19th century, with roots in Cuba.

The Hoyo de Monterrey brand was established in 1865 by Jose Gener, a Spanish businessman who had previously worked as a tobacco broker. Gener began producing cigars under the name “La Escepcion” before renaming his venture “Hoyo de Monterrey.”

The meaning behind the name "Hoyo de Monterrey" translates to "the hollow of Monterey", which refers to an area in the Vuelta Abajo tobacco region of Cuba where Gener sourced his tobacco from.

Jose Gener quickly earned recognition for his premium quality cigars, and Hoyo de Monterrey soon became a successful brand among cigar enthusiasts worldwide. As time progressed, Hoyo de Monterrey's reputation continued to soar amongst other Cuban cigars such as Partagas or Montecristo.

However, during Castro’s Revolution (1959), many cigar makers fled from Cuba’s communist regime and set up shop elsewhere in Latin America. The owners of Hoyo de Monterrey Cigars were no exception; they eventually relocated to Honduras.

In Honduras, General Cigar Company picked up ownership of the brand not long afterward (1980). While keeping true to its traditional roots at first, but it evolved over time into their line today.

Over time it gained a variety known around Western enthusiasts including: Hoyo Excalibur Cameroon (1988), La Amistad Black (2017), Silver (2001) & Gold Label - this last one being their newest launch from July 2021!

Despite some changes over decades ago with new ownerships and locations towards Central America lands after leaving mainland Communist Venezuela Island nation-Cuba -- Hoyos have retained their unique taste since their start nearly 150 years go-- Which still seem to be continually turning more heads towards aficionados as well everyday smokers alike.adullam