
H. Upmann

H. Upmann is a renowned cigar brand that has been producing premium cigars for over 170 years. Founded by Herman Upmann in Havana, Cuba, the company quickly became synonymous with high-quality tobacco and expert craftsmanship. Today, H. Upmann remains one of the most respected names in the cigar industry, loved by smokers worldwide for its smooth flavor, rich aroma, and luxurious smoking experience. Whether you're a seasoned smoker or just starting out, H.Upmann's range of hand-rolled cigars is a must-try for anyone looking to enjoy the finer things in life.

History of H. Upmann

When it comes to premium cigars, few brands are as emblematic and renowned as H. Upmann. From their rich flavor profile to their luxurious presentation, these are truly the epitome of a high-end smoking experience. But while many enthusiasts might be familiar with this distinguished marque, far fewer know about its fascinating history.

The creation of H. Upmann can be traced back to early 19th century Germany, where the eponymous founder Herman Upmann was born in 1815. Although educated in banking and finance, he also possessed an interest in tobacco - at the time, a booming industry that supplied one of Europe's most sought-after luxury goods.

In 1844, Upmann moved to Havana, Cuba - which had quickly become known for producing some of the world's finest cigars thanks to the fertile soils and ideal growing conditions found throughout the island nation. Settling into his new home on Lamparilla Street (which would later become part of Habanos S.A.) he established what would eventually grow into one of cigar culture's most iconic brands.

Over time, H. Upmann's reputation was solidified by two major milestones: first in 1845 when Hermann created a brand bearing his name; then again in 1935 when Menendez Garcia took over production and helped hone what is now considered the signature style seen within each cigar produced today.

Though there have been ups - including being recognized by leading cigar magazines as Cigar Aficionado- and downs - such as during periods when political tensions prevented exporting – H.Upmann has remained stalwart throughout its decades-long history. It has maintained its commitment quality and flavor through skilled craftspeople who carefully select every leaf that goes into each individual stick before hand-making them using traditional techniques such as rolling them tightly around bamboo dividers so each draw provides wholesome taste without any harshness or heat buildup.

In recent times with Cuban cigar becoming increasingly accepted globally under progressive trade policies we may see renewed manufacturing improvements from up scaling distribution territories like China where despite regulations people are eager for access to Cuban flavors showing potential for growth beyond American borders too. It’s not just ubiquity though that make this brand special: accompanying generations onward from our current era inherit not just another insightful open-minded perspective but perhaps most importantly they benefit from having centuries-worth heritage intertwined directly via family ties ensuring continuity for much time more!