Gurkha Cigars boast a rich history of crafting distinctive cigars using rare and exotic tobaccos from around the world. Founded in 1989, this luxury cigar brand has quickly earned a reputation for its impeccable quality, fine craftsmanship, and outstanding flavor profiles. Gurkha Cigars are known for their unique blends that appeal to both novice and experienced smokers alike, making it a favorite among many cigar enthusiasts. With an extensive range of sizes and flavors available, Gurkha Cigars are sure to satisfy any discerning palate.
Gurkha Cigars is a well-known brand that has been producing premium handcrafted cigars for over three decades. Their reputation stands on the quality and unique taste of their cigars. The name "Gurkha" itself originates from the Gurkhas, who are renowned throughout the world as elite soldiers for their bravery, honor, and sacrifice in battles.
The Story behind Gurkha cigars dates back to 1887, when Nepalese soldiers used to smoke cigars during warfare. These soldiers were affiliated with the British East India Company and later became known as “Gurkhas”. After completed their service terms, some of these Nepalese warriors moved to Hong Kong and continued blending cigars; however, it would take a century before Gurkha Cigars was born.
In 1989 Mr. Kaizad Hansotia acquired the name 'GURKHA' after finding antique opened boxes abandoned in an old factory in Goa, India. He brought this long lost Indian brand back to life with a new modern twist inspiring Global Reach & legacy of high quality luxury products set up by his predecessors.
Inspired by these boxes he started manufacturing handmade premium cigars under this brand which quickly created waves across cigar lovers fraternity all around the world for it's exotic combinations of flavors & very high standards maintained end to end through careful aged tobacco selections followed by expert rolling techniques honed using recipes borrowed from legendary regions like Cuba & Honduras etc.
With its exceptional quality and unsurpassable reputation throughout the globe today, GURKHA has become synonymous with super-premium luxurious cigars amongs its loyal customer base encompassing aficionados/purists/community leaders/loyalists catering all categories from ultra luxury clubs/hotels/restaurants/cigar lounges/spas/iLounge/e-cigs
Throughout history, Gurkha has won numerous awards considered one of only two at many prestigious events like Davidoff Golden Band Awards Casa Del Habano Awards ProCigar Festival etc., proving that they have consistently been setting new benchmarks when it comes to premium cigar making.
Today Gurkha’s portfolio features traditional blends such as Centurian Double Fuerte Corojo Habanos showcasing Rustic Flavours spices packing quite powerful kicks or vintage series showcasing black cobra baptised after deadly defense systems employed by rajasthan royalties ensuring maximal impact adding zestful dimensionality within complexity sphere amongst many others fulfiling Flavor profiles ranging natural sweetnesses robust different levels settled undertones buttery crème rich chocolate punched balanced blast ash etc - each excelling in different smoking experiences delighting YOU ! This range demonstrates deep interest & dedication towards craftsmanship aesthetic appeal delivering unparalleled couplings warmth shared between connoisseurs whilst enjoying GURKHA high-quality smoke accompanied with vintage wines whiskeys cognacs. Finally can't praise enough those dedicated workers behind scenes responsible for maintaining flawless uniformity.Crucial role played wherein finest hands sort out leaves before fermenting curing drying rolling packaging hence representing passionate artwork done purely organically without shortcuts ensuring memorable heavenly flavour extravaganza everytime you light up So next time while relaxing-inwardly-penetrating contemplating subtle aromas let us not forget Tributes Warriors that Belies Core Honour Values Courage Loyalty Esteem Integrity reflecting what cigarettes symbolise while puffing rare specimens made simply smart keeping alive legacy Pure Punctuating Lifestyle Luxury yet affordable..Cheers!