El Rey Del Mundo, translated as "The King of the World," is one of the most iconic and beloved cigar brands in existence today. Known for their exquisite blends, impeccable construction, and rich flavor profiles, El Rey Del Mundo cigars are a favorite among aficionados all over the world. With a history that dates back more than a century, this Cuban brand has consistently delivered some of the finest smoking experiences around, making it an essential component of any cigar collection. Whether you're a seasoned smoker or just getting started with cigars, El Rey Del Mundo is undoubtedly worth exploring.
El Rey Del Mundo is one of the most renowned cigar brands in the world. It translates to "The King of the World" and has roots that go back more than a century. This cigar brand originated in Havana, Cuba, was established back in 1848 by German businessman Emilio Ohmstedt.
In its early years, El Rey Del Mundo's popularity grew amongst smokers from different parts of Europe and Asia alike. The distinct flavors and aromas offered by these handcrafted cigars became an instant hit with cigar aficionados worldwide.
By 1900, the brand had been transformed into a powerhouse by a company called Antonio Allones & Co., which added new blends and sizes to cater to various smoking preferences. These blends were made using Cuban tobacco leaves grown near San Juan y Martinez in Cuba's Pinar del Rio region, widely regarded as some of the finest tobacco-growing regions globally.
However, after Fidel Castro came into power in Cuba during 1959, the nationalization of all industries saw El Rey Del Mundo fall under state control. Inevitably this led to a compromise on quality due to poor management practices resulting from efforts at increasing production output volumes rather than focusing on perfecting the art surrounding creating premium handmade cigars for their customers.
Today, El Rey Del Mundo continues to produce exceptional cigars made by master craftsmen who keep up with traditional methods used when rolling these stogies for generations past while keeping pace with changes brought about as technology advances help them secure creative ways aimed at satisfying today's tastes among consumers everywhere! Cigar enthusiasts value this brand not just for taste but because it also brings an element reminiscent of history reflecting unique pride intertwined with its name: "The King of the World." Proudly serve one up Lit or grab yourself an unlit version if you prefer more savoury flavours – we’re sure you will be taken aback either way!