Cuban Rejects Cigars is a brand that has gained popularity amongst cigar enthusiasts who seek premium-quality cigars at an affordable price. These cigars are hand-rolled in the Dominican Republic using Cuban seed tobaccos, which makes them a perfect option for those who appreciate robust and full-flavored smokes that won't break the bank. With over three decades of experience in the industry, Cuban Rejects Cigars have become a household name when it comes to budget-friendly cigars without compromising on quality.
Cuba is well-known for its cigars that have been hailed as some of the best in the world. These cigars are made from tobacco that has been grown and harvested in the Cuban countryside, then fermented and aged carefully to produce a rich, complex flavor profile.
However, not all cigars from Cuba make it to the market. The production process may result in imperfections or inconsistencies. As such, these cigars are often designated as "rejects" and discarded.
Enter Cuban Rejects Cigars -- a company born out of these discarded cigars. Let's take a closer look at their history and how they became a popular choice among cigar lovers around the world.
The Birth of Cuban Rejects Cigars
It was in the 1990s when two entrepreneurs -- Bill Finley and Michael Argenti -- entered into business with several reputable cigar manufacturers based in Nicaragua, Honduras, and the Dominican Republic. They began purchasing "rejected" or "seconds" cigars from factories across Central America.
They selected only high-quality rejects with good tobacco leaves without noticeable flaws; saw cutters purchased discarded ends of top-grade hand-rolled smokes for pennies on tons & started using “reels” to band them before selling them off bundled together under their own label
Although these rejected cigars didn't meet quality control standards set by other companies, they were still smokeable - even delightful - options for discerning smokers looking to save money.
Cuban Reject Cigars grew quickly thanks to their impressive inventory offering reasonable prices for beloved leading brands like Padron’s Meritage Serie 1926 which came as close seconds burnished-smooth-lushly trove complete with personally signed packaging telling he story behind each bundle.
Understandably, due to handmade nature factored alongside pricing model based secondary pickings inherently provided inconsistencies throughout warranties were never allowed coming with phrase instead: “Smoke it Your Way!”
Present Day Status
To this day, Cuban Reject Cigars continue to be popular among those who seek high-quality but affordably priced options that aren't available at brick-and-mortar stores where 1st-run smokes dominated pricing structures.
Despite their origins as rejected products produced by famous brands like Padrons’ Meritage Serie ’26., owner duo turned negatives into positives monetizing & branding perfection-less second choices becoming one-stop-shop go-to provider featuring labels both traditional main-contenders along bringing forth smaller-batch/artisanal construction gathered abroad – making supply chain nearly versatile enough prometheans alike prove unsatisfiable customers can find satisfaction through vision not typically credited amongst today’s industry giants!