Cohiba cigars are known for their exquisite taste, smooth draw, and unparalleled aroma. Known as the flagship brand of Habanos S.A., Cohiba cigars were originally crafted exclusively for Fidel Castro in 1966. Since then, they have become a symbol of luxury and sophistication among cigar aficionados worldwide. Whether you're new to cigar smoking or a seasoned connoisseur, Cohiba cigars offer an unforgettable indulgence that is sure to leave a lasting impression.
Cohiba Cigars is a renowned brand among cigar lovers worldwide. This premium cigar brand has an interesting history behind it. Cohiba cigars were initially only produced for Fidel Castro and his administration, but the exceptional quality of these cigars eventually led to its worldwide fame.
The Beginning
The beginnings of Cohiba Cigars can be traced back to 1966 when Fidel Castro was gifted with some high-quality Trinidad cigars in solidarity during the United Nations General Assembly held in New York. Later on, he commissioned Eduardo Ribera to create something different – a special blend that would surpass all other Cuban cigars.
Fidel assigned Che Guevara's personal roller, Leonardo Suarez, with the task of creating the best blend by using leaves from the finest tobacco available on Cuba followed by testing over several months started from 1966 which ultimately led up to production starting in 1968 leading it to be highly exclusive. Initially named "Cohiba" after an ancient Taino word for tobacco; they were only known among close friends and associates of Castro's inner circle. These cigars were not commercially available and thus considered as forbidden fruit amongst non-political elites.
Going Public
After tasting such superior quality smoke whilst in Cuba during their holidays British businessmen became intrigued with this fine substance & soon enough came across this highly exclusive business leading it into luxury circles around Europe becoming increasingly popularized gaining attention even America. The legendary Brazilian musician João Gilberto introduced them into Americas music industry becoming prime elite merchandise rapidly increasing popularity further increased presented sensational powerhouses including Bill Clinton & Steve Jobs.
However due to countless counterfeiters attempting The Habanos S.A group responsible for manufacturing decided in 1982 endevoured redesigning boxes embedding serial numbers printed on boxes making imitation significantly difficult being prevented over time increasing authenticity standards ensuring newly purchased Cohibas are genuine
The Excellent Quality
These distinct blends used various tobacco leaves combining Ligero (strong flavoured), Seco(intermediate strength) and volado(adding aroma) plant types. Only skilled rollers with several years' experience individually handcraft all Cohibas& have one rolling master overseeing each team to ensure every cigar follows proper proportions ensuring consistency throughout production taking roughly nine months..
Today, Cohiba has expanded its range offering six variant sizes: Siglo I -VI Siglo VI being largest size available aimed at experienced smokers who want intense flavours paired dedicated sense luxury lifestyle comprising collection dressed within ebony chest displaying gold colors indicating privilege.& now offered globally .
In conclusion many years prior no-one could have imagined Leonardo Suarez’s experiment would birth such elegance demand qualities influencing pop culture revolutionizing humidor lifestyles allowing people around world enjoy this exquisite part Cuban heritage following journey until present day..