
Ashton Classic Cigars

Ashton Classic Cigars are a premium line of handcrafted cigars that have been meticulously crafted to offer connoisseurs the ultimate smoking experience. Made from the finest tobacco leaves and aged to perfection, these cigars deliver a rich, complex flavor profile that is both smooth and satisfying. With their expert construction and elegant presentation, Ashton Classic Cigars are truly a work of art in smoke form. Whether you're a seasoned smoker or simply looking for an exceptional cigar to enjoy with friends, Ashton Classic Cigars are sure to impress.

History of Ashton Classic Cigars

Ashton Classic Cigars is a premium cigar brand that has been enjoyed by enthusiasts for the past three decades. This popular brand was introduced in 1985 by Robert Levin, who is the owner of Ashton Distributors Inc., based in Philadelphia.

Before venturing into the cigar business, Robert and his family had a successful business empire spanning over 100 years. They first started as furriers and later focused on high-end clothing stores in New York City. However, Robert's interest shifted to cigars during his college days; he fell deeply in love with cigars and humidor collection began to grow.

The inception of Ashton Classic Cigars came about after a trip to Europe when Levin got tired of giving clients mediocre sticks. He decided it was time for him to create his own blend of cigars using Dominican Republic tobacco from several different regions, including fertile soils produced from volcanic ash.

Today, Ashton cigars are known for their quality craftsmanship and exceptional taste thanks to their perfect blending technique that makes them stand out among other top-rated brands on the market.

In addition to its widespread recognition among smokers worldwide today, it's essential not to forget how much impact Ashton Classic Cigars have had over the years concerning charitable gestures backed by Robert's foundation - The LeVine Foundation.

To date, numerous charities have been supported globally through fundraising events sponsored by the foundation and contributions collected via auctioning rare collector items coveted by many enthusiasts worldwide.

Furthermore, The LeVine Foundation seeks young adults who exhibit leadership qualities drawn towards serving underprivileged communities across America with scholarships due annually awarded totaling $50k yearly throughout college periods only given they maintain good standing academically beyond high school education level qualifications towards nonprofit endeavors within those targeted American regions cited above pursued with co-op state governing bodies alike whose shared interests align closely regarding social justice causes collectively collaborated upon attained at said states' initiative furthermore increasing awareness surrounding these key issues continually faced amid human society today that warrant more attention heading into future generations looking ahead together going forward altogether united at large as one cohesive consensus accordingly supporting humanitarian development generally regarded as highly beneficial within contemporary society cases thus buttressed efficiently encouraged hereby promoting working-class scholarship services worldwide while also enjoying some top-notch cigars!

Ultimately, The Ashton Brand has grown considerably since its introduction onto global markets; many celebrities appreciate these delicious hand-crafted gems besides influential political figures alike relish having an exquisite selection available amongst their assortments fine things guaranteed never to disappoint! As such aficionados are spoilt for choice regarding menu ranges offered herein whilst still upholding foundation values mostly surrounding bridging disparities toward general prosperity ideals amidst all looking ahead together fulfilled eventually unison united without exception truly representing what passionate innovation should always strive towards exemplifying overall merit fostering strengthened individual strengths yielding fruitful collaboration amid cross-disciplinary exchanges just like these excellent smokes always delivered consistently each time anticipatory senses awoken briefly before lighting up expounding appreciation fully thereafter reminiscing soothing feelings tranquil moments realised thoroughly satisfying experiences ultimately bonding spirits together indefinitely surely can't stress emphatically enough these shots thriving happiness encapsulated alone embodiment complete satisfaction embraced enjoyably presently enjoyed again another draw!"