Arturo Fuente Cigars is a family-owned business that has been producing premium hand-rolled cigars for over 100 years. Known for their exceptional quality and consistency, Arturo Fuente Cigars are made with the finest tobaccos from around the world and crafted by master blenders in the Dominican Republic. Their commitment to excellence has earned them numerous accolades and a loyal following among cigar aficionados worldwide. Whether you're looking for a mild or full-bodied smoke, Arturo Fuente Cigars offers a diverse range of blends to satisfy every palate.
Arturo Fuente Cigars is a brand of premium cigars that are beloved by cigar aficionados all around the world. The company was founded in 1912 by Arturo Fuente Sr., who immigrated to the United States from Cuba.
The early years of the company were difficult, as Arturo Sr. struggled to make ends meet while he worked to establish his business. Despite these challenges, he persisted and eventually began producing high-quality cigars that were much in demand.
During the 1930s, however, disaster struck - a fire destroyed the factory where Arturo Sr.'s cigars were produced, forcing him to begin anew. He moved his operations to Nicaragua and then back to Cuba before finally settling in the Dominican Republic.
It wasn't until after World War II that Arturo Jr., Arturo Sr.'s son, became involved in the family business. Together with his father, he created some of the most iconic blends in modern cigar history - including Opus X and Don Carlos.
In 1983, disaster struck again when a catastrophic fire gutted their factory in Santiago de los Caballeros, destroying all of their tobacco supplies and finished products. Nevertheless, once more they overcame this setback and rebuilt their empire.
Today, nearly 110 years since Arturo Sr.'s inception into premium cigar making , it has grown into one of largest premium handmade cigar manufacturers worldwide . His grandson Carlos takes pride continuing their heritage through quality craftsmanship rooted from Old Havana ; defying all odds today they have become synonymous with not only quality but also tradition which millions around cherish .
Arturo Fuente will forever remain an inspiration for entrepreneurs everywhere who strive for excellence despite adversity!