
Alec Bradley Cigars

Alec Bradley Cigars is a renowned cigar manufacturer that has created some of the most highly-rated cigars in the world. Based in Florida, this company specializes in producing premium hand-made cigars using only the finest tobacco from Honduras, Nicaragua, and other countries. Their impressive lineup includes a range of blends and sizes to cater to different tastes and preferences. From classic milds to bold full-bodied smokes, Alec Bradley Cigars has something for everyone who enjoys a good quality cigar.

History of Alec Bradley Cigars

Alec Bradley is a brand of premium cigars that have become quite popular among enthusiasts around the world. The company was founded in 1996 by Alan Rubin, who named it after his two sons, Alec and Bradley. Over the years, Alec Bradley has been able to carve out a niche in the cigar industry, thanks to its exceptional quality and unique blend.

Alan Rubin didn't initially start out in the cigar business. He had founded an importing company that dealt with several industries before he decided that the cigar business would be more lucrative. In 1996, he ventured into creating cigars under his new brand name - Alec Bradley.

The first blend designed by Alec Bradley was known as Occidental Reserve. This mild-medium bodied cigar was launched to rave reviews and gained immediate popularity in cigar circles nationwide due to its intricate flavor profile.

In 2001, they launched their second blend known as Tempus which had a spicy component throughout the smoke that continues to draw attention even today. A few years later came Medalist; this classic medium-bodied blend joined the ranks of other successful Alec Bradley sticks quickly gaining traction amongst aficionados giving them another hit on their hands.

Over time, Alec Bradley went further upmarket and started designing cigars like Fine & Rare series where they used aged tobacco from around Nicaragua unbeknownst to how extensive it would resonate with fans worldwide until top trade publications including Cigar Aficionado began rating these blends as high-performing sticks worth adding your humidor collection.

Alec Bradley's success story can be attributed mainly to their unwavering dedication towards perfecting every aspect of production from growing tobacco plants themselves! Through relentless experimentation over many years (often taking Tobacco Farmer’s input), rigorous selection process for only top-notch ingredients from different fields within Central American countries for extraction – all while never settling for less than absolute excellence at every step along

During early '20s a significant transformation happened where darker wrapper blends grew popular replacing century-old natural-colored leaves reminiscent of classic Cuban smokes. So what did one of increasingly rare brands like AB do? They kept playing on strength + complexity factors adeptly combined together into exquisite final products: Prensado won “Cigar Of The Year” title irrespective dark wrapper theme!

Today's Alec Bradleys continue to explore new sensations similarly upscale tastes composed across distinctive blends & sizes knowing so well who their “bread and butter” aficionados are - those who love depth without forfeiting what makes any stick genuine luxury experience each puff at once exhilaratingly smooth yet uniquely full flavoured!