
1502 Cigars

1502 Cigars is a premium cigar brand that originates from Nicaragua. Their cigars are made with high-quality tobacco that is hand-selected, ensuring a top-notch smoking experience for enthusiasts. This brand focuses on crafting unique blends that cater to different tastes and preferences but always maintains quality and consistency. Whether you're a seasoned smoker or a beginner, 1502 Cigars has something for everyone, making them a go-to choice for cigar enthusiasts worldwide.

History of 1502 Cigars

1502 Cigars is a prestigious cigar brand that has been producing high-quality cigars for years. The name “1502” represents the year when Christopher Columbus discovered Nicaragua, and it’s also the year when tobacco was first introduced to the country. Here is a brief look at the history of 1502 Cigars.

The founder of 1502 Cigars, Enrique Sánchez, grew up in Somoto, a small town in Nicaragua. He had a passion for tobacco from an early age and spent much of his childhood surrounded by tobacco fields. Eventually, he decided to start making cigars himself.

In 2011, Enrique launched 1502 Cigars with four lines: Emerald, Ruby, Black Gold, and XO. These cigars quickly gained popularity among cigar enthusiasts due to their unique flavors and exceptional quality.

The Emerald line features smooth Connecticut wrappers which provide a mild flavor profile. The Ruby line uses Habano wrappers which have a sweet and spicy taste with notes of leather and earthiness. The Black Gold line uses classic Maduro wrappers with rich notes of chocolate and coffee.

In addition to these popular lines, 1502 also has another addition- Blue Sapphire which was added to its portfolio later on; it’s wrapped in Corojo while being filled with Dominican Republic tobaccos— providing an excellent choice for well-rounded flavor profiles.

One aspect that sets 1502 apart from other cigar brands is their commitment to preserving Nicaraguan culture and traditions through their products making sure all financing stays inside Nicaraguan borders While growing our product within this area largely unchanged since the days of Columbus’ arrival more than 500 years ago - continue creating robust yet bold flavors that maintain what we are deeply rooted within our culture."

To maintain consistency IN fact,the company even established their own farm in Jalapa where they grow most of the wrapper leaves used on each line — preventing discrepancies between crops/yearly climates affecting each bunch's blend AND LEADING TO BETTER QUALITY PRODUCTION

In conclusion,

This brief history shows how dedication towards preserving tradition all-around manufacturing processes can lead to becoming one of today's premier cigar brands.Tradition truly underlines everything we do - maintaining authenticity imparting richness atop layers infused into our blends signature moves like candela artistry back in mixtures that commemorate Nicaraguan roots experience fine craftsmanship every time you smoke a vivid moment"s worth encased perfectly rolled stick" don't just take my word-- try them out & become apart OF open-source legacy contributed to by centuries-old methods brought forth In present-day innovation thanks To diligent craftmanship And surrounding environment!