Westport Filtered Cigars are an excellent choice for those seeking a quality smoking experience. These cigars are made from premium quality tobacco and have a carefully crafted blend that is perfect for all cigar enthusiasts. With its smooth draw, rich flavor, and satisfying aroma, Westport Filtered Cigars provide a delightful smoking indulgence anytime, anywhere. Whether you're relaxing in your backyard or taking a quick break at work, these cigars offer the perfect solution to your nicotine fix. Experience the pleasure of Westport Filtered Cigars and enjoy the flavors of premium-grade tobacco like never before!
Westport Filtered Cigars is a popular brand that offers affordable and smooth-tasting cigars. The brand has been in the market for several years, and it has gained popularity among smokers who prefer a mild smoking experience.
The history of Westport Filtered Cigars dates back to the mid-1990s when the demand for filtered cigars was on the rise. At this time, East Carolina RYO (Roll Your Own) began producing cigars made from quality tobacco blends that were designed to offer smokers a taste similar to their regular cigarettes.
In 2001, North Carolina-based National Tobacco acquired East Carolina RYO and launched Westport Filtered Cigars as part of its product line. The company started manufacturing filter cigars with high-quality tobaccos grown in various regions around the world. They used sophisticated techniques to ensure each cigar was well-crafted and had a consistent flavor profile.
The brand has since built an excellent reputation among cigar enthusiasts for its attention to detail when crafting each blend. As such, it's no surprise that they have become one of the leading manufacturers of value-priced cigars throughout America over time.
Today, Westport offers six different flavors of filtered cigars: Full Flavor, Light Menthol, Original Light, Gold Mild, Cherry Blueberry Blend and Sweet Blend.. All varieties are made with high-grade tobaccos sourced from Brazil and Mexico. They're also produced using unique processing methods that help enhance their taste profiles while still delivering smoothness with every draw.
Additionally, Westport Filtered Cigars are perfect for smokers who want an alternative to traditional cigarettes due-to-health reasons or because the price point can be significantly less than traditional cigarettes brands' cost .
In conclusion
Westport Filtered Cigar is an iconic name associated with premium quality easy-to-smoke filtered especially created maintaining affordability perfectly designed by National Tobacco Company based in Alabama at affordable prices without breaking any bank rules! Their popularity is steadily growing across America thanks to their accessible pricing structure alongside dedication towards producing top-notch blends that offer exceptional taste experiences catering not just exclusively to cigar connoisseurs but smokers who seek value options adored by professionals alike!