
Warrior Filtered Cigars

Warrior Filtered Cigars are the perfect choice for those looking for a high-quality, affordable cigar that won't disappoint. Made with premium tobacco leaves and carefully blended to deliver a smooth, flavorful smoke, these cigars are designed with the modern-day warrior in mind. Whether you're on the battlefield or at home relaxing after a long day, Warrior Filtered Cigars are the perfect companion for any occasion. So sit back, light up and let the bold flavors of Warrior take you on an unforgettable journey.

History of Warrior Filtered Cigars

Warrior Filtered Cigars are small cigars that have become increasingly popular among cigar enthusiasts who prefer a milder smoking experience. They are produced by Cheyenne International LLC and were first introduced to the market in 1996.

The Cheyenne International Company was started by Warren Mouser and Steve Wigginton in North Carolina about 20 years ago. Their idea was to enter into niche markets with traditional cigarette blends that had additives such as vanilla, grape, and peach flavors. The company has since expanded its product line which now includes filtered cigars.Rolling up some of the world’s finest tobaccos into perfect little sticks is how Warrior Filtered Cigars came to be created.

At their inception, Warrior Filtered Cigars were only available in one flavor – full-flavored – but they quickly became popular among cigar smokers for their smooth taste and excellent quality. The brand later expanded into other flavors like Mild Menthol, Peach Imperials, Vanilla-and more over time-to cater to different palettes.

In 2012 the company launched ‘Warrior’s Pride’, a sub-brand aimed at serving military personnel stationed outside the US while providing them with high-quality products at reasonable prices.In acknowledgment of this great community and what they did for our country,,Cheyene went ahead to donate over $50k from this product line to non-profit organizations aligned with veterans issues

Today Warrior Filtered Cigarettes continue to grow in popularity both domestically and abroad because few brands exceed their higher level of premium quality tobacco used together with fine paper filter.

Nevertheless it is important remember that though filtered cigars might sound like a safer alternative compared cigarettes ,believe it or not they actually contain more nicotine than normal cigarettes due tobacco being packed incredibly tight generating rare stress on your lungs.If you choose to enjoy Warrier's Premium Flavoured handmade mini-cigar remember smoke responsibly