
Trend Filtered Cigars

Trend Filtered Cigars are a popular choice for smokers looking for a shorter, milder smoking experience. These cigars come in a variety of flavors and styles, from classic tobacco blends to fruity and sweet options. With their small size and convenient filter, Trend Filtered Cigars are perfect for on-the-go smoking or quick breaks throughout the day. Whether you're an experienced smoker or just looking to try something new, Trend Filtered Cigars offer a flavorful and satisfying smoke that's sure to please.

History of Trend Filtered Cigars

Trend Filtered Cigars are a popular and relatively new addition to the cigar world. They have revolutionized the way people enjoy cigars by offering a smoke that is both flavorful and filtered, making it easier on the lungs.

These cigars were first introduced in 2015 by Miami-based company, Swisher International, who have been in business for over 150 years. They initially launched their trend cigars as part of their portfolio of tobacco brands but soon became recognized as an innovation in cigar manufacturing, designed specifically for smokers seeking premium tobacco satisfaction from their choice of milder cigars.

One thing that sets Trend apart from other filtered cigar brands is that they use high-quality American-grown tobacco blends which deliver rich flavor, with lower tar levels and reduced health-damaging carbon monoxide than traditional cigarettes. The expertly crafted blend also ensures consistency in taste throughout every smoke.

The success of Trend can be attributed to its ability to appeal to consumers on all levels; the smoothness coupled with unique flavors make it convenient for those looking for a quick indulgence or smokers wanting just half of regular cigarette quantities. It comes in several varieties including original pipe tobacco flavor, vanilla, cherry fruit fusion among others.

Moreover, Trend Filtered Cigars convey urbanity and modernism whereby younger adults looking for alternatives to traditional smoking products find them appealing because they fit into lifestyle choices such as personal interests like golfing or camping ventures etc.

In conclusion, Trend Filtered Cigars are an excellent alternative when searching for flavorful yet mild smoking options. Their unique blend has generated a significant following since its inception back in 2015 up until now seven years later proving that people can always adapt provided creditable experience exists behind pioneering innovative products.