
Thirty Eight Special Filtered Cigars

Introducing Thirty Eight Special Filtered Cigars, a premium line of cigars that offers a unique blend of rich tobacco and smooth flavor. These cigars are made with the finest quality ingredients and carefully crafted to provide a satisfying smoking experience. With their compact size and filtered design, they are perfect for those who enjoy smoking on-the-go or want an easy-to-smoke option without sacrificing quality. Whether you're a seasoned smoker or just starting out, Thirty Eight Special Filtered Cigars are sure to please with their balance of taste and affordability.

History of Thirty Eight Special Filtered Cigars

Thirty Eight Special Filtered Cigars are a popular brand of tobacco products in the United States. These cigars are known for their smooth and delicious taste, which is achieved through a careful blend of high-quality tobaccos from different parts of the world. But how did these cigars come to be? In this blog post, we'll take a look at the history of Thirty Eight Special Filtered Cigars.

The Origin Story

Thirty Eight Special Filtered Cigars were first introduced in the market by Premier Manufacturing, located in Chesterfield, Missouri. Premier Manufacturing was founded in 1982 by Don Stellhorn and had gained popularity over time as they provided quality filtered cigarillos across several states in America. When it comes to implementing modern technological innovations into their manufacturing process, Premier has been committed to ensuring that customers get value for money products with strict adherence to industry standards.

Gaining Popularity

The growth rate of Thirty Eight Special Filtered Cigars has been phenomenal since its inception. Due majorly to quality assurance personnel who ensure that quality is never compromised throughout every stage of production: from selecting raw materials through manufacture right down to final packaging before distribution to retailers across America.

Different Flavors

One reason why Thirty Eight Special Filtered Cigars have continued gaining considerable popularity is because they offer smokers different flavor profiles like original, menthol mild or bold blends so people can choose what flavor perfectly suits them.


In conclusion, Thirty Eight Special Filtered Cigars have positioned themselves as one of the most reliable tobacco product supplier among competitors based on key factors such quality assurance procedures implemented during production and distribution; commitment towards making new flavors available for consumers regularly coupled with innovative marketing strategies that put them ahead of everyone else in their aspect. The company's passion for excellence even reflects in consumers' testimonials online where smokers have commended them on providing good customer service opportunities satisfying all demographic groups alike ranging from young adults up unto seniors which has helped build an enormous loyal customer base over time compared with rivals within same category.