Talon Filtered Cigars are premium quality, machine-made cigars that are popular among cigar enthusiasts. Manufactured in the USA with high-quality tobaccos and a natural wrapper, these cigars deliver an exceptional smoke experience. They come in different flavors and pack sizes to cater to individual preferences. Talon Filtered Cigars offer affordability, availability, and quality, making them the perfect choice for daily smokers who enjoy smooth and flavorful cigars without breaking the bank.
Talon Filtered Cigars have been a popular option for smokers since their introduction to the market in 2003. With their smooth taste and affordable price point, Talon Filtered Cigars quickly became a go-to option for many smokers across the US. But what is the history behind this brand?
The story of Talon Filtered Cigars begins with Lane Limited, a tobacco company founded in New York City in 1890. Over time, Lane Limited grew into one of the largest companies in its industry and was eventually acquired by Scandinavian Tobacco Group (STG), which is based in Denmark.
In 2003, STG launched Talon Filtered Cigars as part of its expanding lineup of products. The goal was to offer consumers a high-quality filtered cigar that was both flavorful and affordable. To achieve this goal, STG used premium tobaccos from around the world and incorporated state-of-the-art manufacturing techniques.
Since its launch, Talon Filtered Cigars have proven to be immensely popular with smokers across America. They are available in multiple flavors such as Full Flavor, Mild Menthol, Cherry Flavor etc which cater to different taste buds . Also cigarillos are available within talon filtered cigars series making it easy to choose from options available .
Despite some controversies surrounding smoking as an unhealthy habit ,Talon has always been loved for its rich flavor and pocket friendly prices.With more than a decade under their belt – delivering quality filtered cigars at great value – it’s safe to say Talons will be puffing away for years to come.
To sum up ,the history Behind 'Talons' dates back almost two decades ago when there existed few good alternatives with fair price points.Talon so far has gained reputation among public over time due to their reasonable prices considering not compromising on flavours- making it an ideal choice!