
Richwood Filtered Cigars

Introducing Richwood Filtered Cigars – a premium choice for those looking for a quality smoke. Expertly crafted using high-grade tobacco, these cigars boast the perfect blend of flavor, aroma, and smoothness. With a carefully designed filter system that delivers an even draw and consistent burn, every puff is bound to be a satisfying one. Whether you're new to smoking or are an avid cigar enthusiast, Richwood Filtered Cigars are the perfect indulgence for anyone looking for a luxurious smoking experience.

History of Richwood Filtered Cigars

Richwood Filtered Cigars are a popular brand of cigars that have been around for quite some time, with a rich and interesting history. These premium quality cigars are manufactured in the USA by Tantus Tobacco, one of the leading tobacco companies in the world.

The company can trace its roots back to 1986 when they were established as a manufacturer of premium quality cigarettes. It was later on that the company introduced Richwood filtered cigars into their product portfolio. Since then, Richwood has emerged as one of the most preferred cigar brands among smokers looking for a flavor-packed and reasonably priced smoke.

One reason why Richwood Filtered Cigars have become so popular is their robust and tantalizing flavors. With several different tastes to choose from like classic mild, vanilla, menthol or cherry among others – it’s no wonder why these smokes appeal to such a wide range of people who enjoy both traditional and flavored options.

Another reason that makes Richwood stand out from other cigar brands is their innovative filter technology. The filters used in these cigars were designed exclusively to provide an outstanding smoking experience that’s smooth yet robust with each exhale.

Over their decades long history, Richwood Filtered Cigars has constantly evolved by introducing new blends & flavors along with more advanced filtration technologies all designed to improve the overall smoking experience for customers. Today, they’re available in various sizes including full length sticks (93mm), small sized singles packs (20mm) or boxes containing multiple packs for sale at selected locations across America.

In conclusion –

Richwood Filtered Cigars might not be old enough enough to be considered “vintage” but they have certainly earned themselves endless respect among seasoned aficionados and avid beginners alike due to their consistent high-quality offerings that continue impressing every year. Whether you’re a casual smoker looking for something easygoing or someone searching for something unique & flavorful – Richwood may just be your next go-to option!