Remington Filtered Cigars are a high-quality smoking product made with select tobaccos and superior filter technology. These filtered cigars come in a range of flavors that cater to the diverse preferences of cigar smokers. With its perfect blend of premium tobacco and sturdy filters, these cigars offer an unparalleled smoking experience that is both satisfying and relaxing. Remington Filtered Cigars continue to be one of the most sought-after brands among cigar enthusiasts who seek value, quality, and flavor in every puff.
Remington Filtered Cigars are well-known for their taste, quality, and smoothness. These cigars have a long history that dates back to the 19th century. Remington has been offering its customers high-quality products with excellent value for over 100 years.
In 1818, Eliphalet Remington opened his first gun factory in Ilion, New York. He was an American inventor and founder of the Remington Arms Company. In the early years of production, he focused on producing rifles, muskets and shotguns that were durable and reliable. Over time, as technology advanced so too did Remington's product line until it diversified into sporting equipment like fishing gear.
Fast forward to the year 1906 when John Dittmar started Dittmar Tobacco Co in St Louis Missouri which sold pipe tobacco blends from a horse-drawn wagon. They didn't just sell tobacco though; they also made varying types of cigarettes.
Within thirty years or so (around the end of WWII) there came an unprecedented demand for filtered cigars in America due to consumers preferring a cigar-like experience without having to inhale lots of harmful smoke particles within traditional cigars (which tended not to be self-extinguishing).
Dittmar wanted a piece of this action and began producing filtered cigars under its new brand - Rimsettles - in Puerto Rico around this time. Sales took off because they ticked all the boxes: low cost (∼$10- $20 per carton), mild enough for novice smokers yet rich flavour-wise for more experienced ones & manufactured using only authentic aged tobaccos.
The name "Remington" soon entered into play probably because people recognised it as an old established all-American brand that stood for quality: those who had owned guns by 'Eliphalet' likely would trust his business successors dealt only in quality driven goods... Such cross branding was common at this time as businesses went global searching out new markets beyond America's blue-collar elite industry men: aspiring middle-class workers increasingly purchased small items such as cheap jewelry pieces or ciggies after work each day!
Moving forward another three decades or thereabouts Rimsettles changed names once again when Dittmar Tobacco Co became National Tobacco Company Inc/Machine Operated Cigar Company Inc after having been bought up by Kellogg’s cereal company (!).
Despite all these changes one thing remained constant – The commitment towards providing good quality smoking experiences at very reasonable prices especially important during difficult economic times where buying luxury goods wasn’t always possible!. Thus Reminton Filtered Cigars remain popular today due in no small part thanks to this niche being filled creatively!