
Rap Filtered Cigars

Rap Filtered Cigars are a popular choice among cigar enthusiasts who look for a smoke that is flavorful, smooth, and affordable. These cigars are made from premium quality tobacco leaves and have a unique blend of flavors that is sure to impress any cigar lover. With their distinct taste and exceptional aroma, Rap Filtered Cigars offer an unmatched smoking experience that is perfect for casual smokers and serious aficionados alike. Whether you want to relax after a long day or celebrate a special occasion, Rap Filtered Cigars are the perfect choice for anyone who appreciates good quality cigars at reasonable prices.

History of Rap Filtered Cigars

Rap Filtered Cigars have gained immense popularity in recent years. These cigars are perfect for beginners and casual smokers who want a mild and flavourful smoking experience without having to invest in large cigars that can last for hours.

But do you know about the history of these filtered cigars?

It all started in 2001 when Swisher International, Inc. introduced their newest cigar brand called ‘Swisher Sweets Little Cigars.' These little cigars featured a filter that provided a smoother smoking experience, which was popular among people who preferred cigarettes over larger traditional cigars.

The trend of small and flavoured cigars caught on quickly, and other companies began introducing similar products. However, it wasn't until 2013 when Rap Filtered Cigars were launched by ITG Brands (Imperial Tobacco Group) that the product category reached its peak.

Rap Filtered Cigars come in various flavours such as grape, apple, cherry, peach, and vanilla. They are known for their smooth draw and delightful taste, making them an instant hit with smokers looking for a quick nicotine fix.

Today you can find Rap Filtered Cigars at nearly every smoke shop or convenience store across America. The popularity of these little smokes has led to limited edition flavours like watermelon or blueberry occasionally being sold seasonally.

One thing that sets rap ciagrs apart is their affordability- they are way cheaper than full-sized premium-made cigars while giving almost the same great flavour enjoyable by everyone regardless of socio-economic class

In conclusion,

Rap Filtered Cigars have come a long way since their introduction to the market back in 2013. Today they remain one of the most popular products within the world of tobacco due to their unique filter that provides an immersive smoking experience with great flavour!