Clipper Filtered Cigars are an excellent alternative to traditional cigarettes. These small cigars offer a perfect blend of high-quality tobacco and filters, which provide a smooth smoking experience without any harsh aftertaste. The cigars are available in several flavors and strengths to match individual preferences, making it easy for smokers to enjoy the best of both worlds. Whether you are looking for an affordable option or simply want to try something different, Clipper Filtered Cigars should be at the top of your list!
Clipper Filtered Cigars originated from Bayuk Cigar Company, which was established over 100 years ago in the United States. Founded by David Bayuk in 1887 on Park Avenue New York City, he opened his first shop and sold Cuban-style cigars to those that appreciated them.
The company began to produce high-quality cigars at very affordable prices under popular brands such as "Nickelsville One Cent", "Mom's Favorite," "Masterpiece," and many others.
Eric Svendsen and Dan Suverkrup later acquired rights to the brand name from Swedish match-owned March Manufacturing in February 2000. In recent years, however, Scandinavian Tobacco Group (STG) purchased Ericsson's interest outright through General Cigar Company.
One of their best-sellers is ‘Clipper’ flavored filtered cigarillos known for its smooth flavor and aroma. This variation of lauded cigar received praises almost instantly from regulars who appreciate high-quality products with a robust flavor profile at pocket-friendly prices.
In essence, Clipper filtered cigars offer quality tobacco with a versatile range of flavors such as grape, menthol, vanilla apple that are slowly but surely gaining traction among younger smokers who want to try light cigars or novel blends in contrast with full-bodied hefty ones.
With outstanding customer care delivered by their licensed distributors plus iconic branding strategies deployed via online platforms like through “Sponsored products” Ads displayed when users search terms related to “filtered cigars” have made it easier for them to meet their objective of providing modern residents with an excellent smoking experience that doesn’t break the financial bank.”